Megatron Vs KingKong

On this episode of #WhoWouldWin it’s the leader of the Decepticons vs the giant ape as Megatron takes on King Kong in a titanic battle!
#WhoWouldWin: Hawkeye vs Black Canary

Powered by RedCircle Hawkeye takes on Black Canary in the next episode of #WhoWouldWin! Does #Marvel’s ultimate archer (repped by James Gavsie) prevail or does DC Universe’s ultimate Bird of Prey (repped by Ray Stakenas) get the win? Who will special judge and Entertainment Blogger Cherry Davis see as the victor? Follow Cherry […]
#WhoWouldWin: S.H.I.E.L.D. vs Cobra.

In the next episode of #WhoWouldWin….#Shield takes on #Cobra in the ultimate team vs team battle! Will Ray Stakenas get #Cobra the victory or will James Gavsiehave the strategy to give #Shield the win? With special judge and host of Knowing is Half the Podcast, Robert Clarke-Chan Follow Robert Clarke-Chan on Twitter @999RPMs Powered […]
#WhoWouldWin: Chucky vs Tyrion Lannister

On the Next Episode of Who Would Win It’s Chucky vs Tyrion Lannister! Will the Game of Thrones ultimate survivor (repped by James Gavsie) win or will the murderous psycho doll (repped by Ray Stakenas) get the victory? With special judge Joseph Pleasants. Follow Joseph Pleasants on instagram at @joeyisfamous Powered by RedCircle This […]
#WhoWouldWin: Blade vs General Grievous
It’s Hunter vs Hunter as Blade takes on #General Grievous in another episode of #WhoWouldWin! Will the Jedi Hunter (repped by Ray Stakenas) win or will the Day Walker (repped by James Gavsie) take the victory? How will Loryn Stone judge this battle? This episode is brought to you by Final Draft! Final Draft has […]
#WhoWouldWin: Iron Giant Vs Solid Snake

And in 2 days in the next episode of #WhoWouldWin it’s…. #SolidSnake (repped by Ray Stakenas) vs the #IronGiant (repped by James Gavsie)! Does Metal Gear’s ‘hero’ win or does Vin Diesel’s Giant Robot get the victory? With special judge Chris Perfett Powered by RedCircle This episode is brought to you by Final […]
#WhoWouldWin: Dark Phoenix vs Kratos
And in the next episode of #WhoWouldWin…The #DarkPhoenix takes on #Kratos, the God of War, with special judge Marshall Givens. Will one of Gaming’s ultimate warriors be declared the victor or will one of Marvel Comics forces of nature, the Dark Phoenix, get the win? Powered by RedCircle This episode is brought to […]
#WhoWouldWin: Lobo vs He-Man

And in the next episode of #WhoWouldWin….It’s Lobo VS He-Man! Will the Main Man get the win or will the 80s Icon and original Master of the Universe pull out the victory? And who will special judge Philip Wilburn, the voice of DragonBall Z’s Android 19 choose as the winner? Powered by RedCircle […]
#WhoWouldWin: Arya Stark vs Damian Wayne

And in the next episode of #WhoWouldWin….It’s Arya Stark vs the latest Robin, Damian Wayne! Will one of the ultimate survivors of Game of Thrones win or will the killer instinct of Bruce Wayne’s son get the victory? And how will special judge, comedian, and improv genius Jesse Arlen Klein decide this battle? Powered by […]
#WhoWouldWin: Snake Eyes vs John Wick

And in this episode #WhoWouldWin…The Hit Man with a soft spot for dogs takes on GI Joe’s ultimate Ninja Warrior as John Wick fights Snake Eyes in another episode of #WhoWouldWin!Will Snake Eyes (repped by Ray Stakenos) get the win for the G.I. Joe team or will John Wick (repped by James Gavsie) get […]